Illex argentinus which is the biggest in terms of volume, value and also size of the squid. Typical annual catches are around 150,000 tonnes with much of the catch destined for the Far East although significant amounts also go to Europe; the Loligo gahi are caught by large stern trawlers almost all of which are registered in the Falkland.
So I am starting a thread for you to post links to pictures of marine invertebrate inspired coins and stamps. As they come in I will add them to the post! While we are at it let’s do another post for oceanographic equipment (vessels, expeditions, submersibles, etc.).
A website with a great list of Kraken Stamps (hat tip to Homie Bear). My favorite…

Check out le kraken from my home and native land, as well as tons of other squid stamps on this page:
For a quick look check out Pib’s Kraken Stamps
For detailed viewing, a must see is Poppe Stamps, which has theme selections and you can look at “marine Life” stamps separated into categories that include: Corals, crabs, crustaceans, jellyfishes, octopus, sea anemones, sea slugs, sponges — the list is long, but its a great one-stop image shop for marine invertebrate stamps!
Those are totally awesome!
who knew that nudibranchs were such a draw for postage?! some of my favorites are those i’ve seen on stamps from palau, micronesia…
Coins (Submarines)
Great links! I didn’t realized sea slugs had such a following. The deep-sea stamps from MBARI I have a set of framed in my office. Absolutely love the Poppe stamp site. Just found some wonderful gifts for myself for Christmas.