Hey there, DSN’ers! Have you ever dreamt of cruising the waves aboard a colossal, city-sized vessel shaped like an oversized turtle? Well, buckle up your life jackets because the future might just bring us, but probably not, the mind-boggling marvel called Pangeos! Pangeos after the supercontinent Pangea. Get it? Get it?

The brainchild of Pierpaolo Lazzarini, the Terayacht concept kicked off in 2009, aiming to birth a colossal giga-yacht, no terayacht, capable of housing an entire bustling city. Pangeos isn’t your average yacht; it’s a seafaring behemoth measuring a mind-boggling 550 meters in length and a whopping 610 meters at its widest point. The largest cruise ship, Wonder of the Seas, measures 362 metres long and 64 metres wide.
Picture this: a floating marvel composed of around 30,000 unsinkable hull cells, housing enough space for a staggering 60,000 accommodations. It’s not just a city on water; it’s an entire ecosystem, complete with hotels, apartments, shopping centers, parks, and more!

But wait, there’s more! This isn’t your run-of-the-mill yacht propulsion. Pangeos sports 9 HTS engines, each with a stunning 16,800 horsepower. And here’s the kicker—the vessel’s flippers don’t just make it look like a turtle; they harness kinetic energy from waves, ensuring it cruises emission-free and perpetually around the world.
But hold onto your hats (or should I say lifejackets?) because this project is claimed to not be just a whimsical dream. It’s gearing up to become a reality, aiming for an estimated completion around 2033. However, it comes with a caveat—Pangeos needs a special home, a Terashipyard, spanning a jaw-dropping 650 meters in width and 600 meters in length. And guess where this floating marvel might dock? Yep, the stunning shores of Saudi Arabia!

Now, let’s talk numbers: this aquatic wonder comes with a price tag of $8 billion and an eight-year construction timeline. To bridge the gap between now and this fantastical future, Lazzarini Design Studio has conjured an innovative plan—selling “Unreal Estate” as NFTs, where virtual boarding tickets, hotel rooms, and even houses can be snagged for the metaverse version, all set to open its (virtual) doors by 2023.
So to see this to completion requires raising $8 billion raised through NFTs, an aggressive 8 year timeline, solving countless engineering feats, and building a brand-spankin new shipyard in the Saudia Arabian coastal desert. Totally feasible.