Throughout the years my dad and I have had some duke-out contests wrapping the holiday gifts. We aren’t just talking about fancy bows and ribbons here. Oh no…one Christmas all of my presents were shaped like pyramids, while all of his presents were in double duct-taped boxes. Yeah…it get’s real in Casa de Warneke.
This season, in an effort to be more sustainable and offset the gajillion holiday catalogs I have received in the mail (seriously Brookstone it’s getting ridiculous) I decided to go a different route.
Sacrificing a small stack of old Alert Diver mags, I wrapped this years gifts in an assortment of my favorite squishy creatures.

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This is awesome! I’ve been wrapping gifts in alert diver magazines since I’m too cheap to buy paper, so I’m glad to hear someone else is doing some nautical up-cycling!