Stop it. Stop staring at me Taonius sp. All the other squids that MBARI featured during Cephalopod week are either cute, athletic, or named after breakfast foods. But you, you just can’t stop staring can you?
I know you are just floating there below 300 m with your arms up in the air water like you just don’t care. Some people may call this the cockatoo position, others may accuse you of doing Snooki impersonations. I’ll argue you are just doing your best Mona Lisa. Cool, calm, collected with an undefinable expression. Having a neutrally buoyant body just allows you to be all serenely floaty like that. Your creepy eyes follow everyone around the room no matter where they go. BORING INTO YOUR SOUL AND DISCOVERING ALL YOUR SECRETS. Of course being a glass squid, you have none of your own. Not even about what you ate for lunch yesterday. That’s staring at me too now. Seriously now, STOP IT.
Shoutout to Susan vonThun at MBARI for uploading the video to youtube!
“I always feel like somebody’s watching me.” (Rockwell)
Ha! So true.