Hey everyone I went out on a research cruise in the Bering Sea!

We threw a lot of expensive shit in the ocean. Starting with this mooring. It was called Peggy.

Then we threw this drifter and its drogue into the sea. It follows all the currents.

And for good measure, we chucked in this ARGO float. OK I lied, we gently placed it in.

And then it was SUR-SUR-SURVEY time. And we were all like….
At each stop in the survey, we had definite plan of sampling attack.
Step 1: Get your water from the Niskin bottles on the Rosette.


STEP 3: Capture the sea beasties zooplankton with our bongo nets.

STEP 4: Process the ensnared sea beasties.

STEP 5: Examine the rest under the embiggening machine (biologists call this a microscope).

STEP 6: Mandatory dance party.

But eventually it had to end. And we headed back into shore.

Because nothing is quite as nice after a two week cruise as having a beer and watching the trash eagles of Dutch Harbor.

I might have created this post because I love animated gifs. I might have created this post in response to this curmudgeonly post. In any case hope you enjoyed it.
This cruise was part of the EcoFOCI program, a joint program between NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center to study the physical and biological relationships in the marine ecosystem and the survival of commercial valuable fish in the eastern Bering Sea.
Phys. Oceans plus animated GIFs!!! Great post.
Outstanding – great pix! Love the anti-anti-gif commentary also!
Thanks for this! It’s great to see that FOCI is still going strong. I did this exactly track a couple of years in a row back in the mid 90s, and there wasn’t a single camera on board so I can finally show people what I did way back when. Great to see not much has changed. Not that I’d expect bongo nets and Niskin bottles to change much, but the computers look much nicer. :) Did you guys have any problems with fishermen blowing up your gear like we did back in the 90s?
Can you please tell me where I can I get a squid thin wallet?
thank you