Haven’t had time to read all 2000+ pages of the 2013 IPCC report? Neither have I! But don’t worry, physical oceanographer Greg Johnson has taken the time to condense and clarify the main talking points. Even better, he has gone one step further than just digesting the science. This is the IPCC report rewritten in the compact form of Japanese Haiku and illustrated with whimsical water colors.
[source: http://daily.sightline.org/2013/12/16/the-entire-ipcc-report-in-19-illustrated-haiku/]

And why let all the oceanographers have the fun? Here’s one I came up with:
Ninety five percent
of all scientists agree
to warm is human #IPCCHaiku
— Kim Martini (@rejectedbanana) December 17, 2013
And then there is this little gem from @SurtLab
overwhelming story
america still denies
sad sad sad panda
— David Baltrus (@surt_lab) December 17, 2013
Everyone should totally try their hand at an IPCC haiku. Remember, it’s 3 lines with 5, 7, and 5 syllables in each.
Sad Panda indeed.
Ocean acidifies
Corals eroding away
Extinction proceeds
World, a climate mess:
People don’t think globally,
in me, on me, about me
Even haiku weeps;
with seasons gone to chaos
where is harmony?