I’m a grazer baby.

I was just thinking to myself the other day on how we needed more songs about the finer things in life like seagrass and amphipods. How did the scientific masterminds of the Zostera Marine Network (ZEN) know?!? Or maybe this is just what happens when you’ve been in the lab sorting epifauna samples too long.

Either way, thank-you to Dr. Emmett Duffy and his crew for their wonderful DJ mastermix of Beck’s “Loser.”


For more information on the greatest seagrass network in the seven seas. Check out the ZEN project website.

3 Replies to “I’m a grazer baby.”

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Alex! I wrote the original lyrics for this back in 2010 but until Pamela came along, I didn’t have the expertise or resources for a video production. Anyhow, the rest is history and now that I’ve borrowed a MacBook from IT, who knows, maybe I can write AND produce something in the not too distant future. Thanks again.

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