I’m going to shameless co-opt the DSN soapbox for selfish research purposes for a moment.
Do you know anyone who lives near Seadrift TX, east of Corpus Christi/West of Houston? I have a satellite tag that came ashore in Espiritu Santo Bay, inside Matagorda Is. and I’d love to get it back. It was on a female whale shark called Lucy, who was tagged near Isla Contoy, Mexico. The tag came off in the Flower Garden Banks offshore from Texas and gradually drifted inshore. I’m pretty sure its on the beach now.
Last ping was 28.333N 96.598W, or the green arrow in this map.
It’s likely lying on the beach of that tiny spit of land, which is called Long Island. There’s a boat ramp close by at the end of Lane Rd. that comes off Adams St (Rt. 185), which connects Seadrift to Pt. O’Connor. Any help much appreciated, please share with your Texas friends and colleagues. People can contact me through this website.

Do you know someone at UTMSI, Port Aransas. If not, email me and I will contact them.
I do not, so please go ahead, any help greatly appreciated!
Ok-have emailed Ed Buskey at UTMSI.
You might try the TPWD Coastal Fisheries Office in Port O’Connor. They spend a lot of time out on the water (not sure about that exact location) but they may be able to help. 361-972-6253.
Be sure and refresh the latest pings location. That area is being affected by high winds and moving currents.
I’m surprised we have not seen “PROOF! Alien Anal Probe Discovered in Texas” in the Enquirer yet.
I’ll be down in that area later this week. I won’t have my boat with me, but I might be able to get a buddy to run over there if you haven’t gotten someone to pick it up by then.
I don’t see any contact info. Please provide contact info.
Sure thing. People can email me through the contact form on this website, or at [email protected].
Email sent.
Alas no more pings. I suspect it is on the beach or in the weeds.
Did you find it yet?
No, no sign yet. It was always a long shot. A literal needle in a haystack.
Looks like the Texas Water Safari crew is on it.