In September an oil sheen about four miles long had appeared in the Gulf of Mexico near the Deep Water Horizon well site. The sheen was originally spotted on a satellite image from BP. That oil from the sheen matches the oil from Deep Water Horizon site.
On December 15, remotely operated vehicles were sent to the Deepwater Horizon wreckage and the surrounding area.
“No apparent source of the surface sheen has been discovered by this effort,” said Capt. Duke Walker, Federal On-Scene Coordinator for Deepwater Horizon. “Next steps are being considered as we await the lab results of the surface and subsurface samples and more detailed analysis of the video shot during the mission.”
But of unfortunately, “The sheen is not feasible to recover” said Walker, but “does not pose a risk to the shoreline” Shoreline? What about the open ocean ecosystem?
Video of the ROV inspections can be found at the following links:
Well Heads
Riser Pipe
Containment Dome