@@Alex_Warneke combines two of my loves in life, old school rap and sweet, sweet marine science all for her #SciFund challenge. Alex want to know how heavy metal contamination mucks up normal interactions between predators and prey. This in itself is a fundamental question that gets at the heart of how marine systems work and how humans are interfering with that. Alex needs a measly $2500 to support this work. Of course its small change until you are poor graduate student. How does the rap fit in. Alex’s clever video is a homage to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The video itself is worth a donation. I was going to post the video here but you should head over to her #Scifund page to view it.
Project: Chemical Warfare in the Intertidal | RocketHub.
Dude, you forgot to link to her SciFund page!
whoops, never mind.