xkcd yesterday brought one of the spectacular pieces of illustration ever seen on the internet, Lakes and Oceans. This glorious piece of art features depths of the world’s lakes and oceans as well as the homes of David Bowie and Freddy Mercury. Some of the xkcd illustrations and cartoons make it too posters. Well Jarrett Byrnes and I have decided we want posters. And we know you want them too. So DSN is starting a write-in campaign to orders@xkcd.com
Thanks to the many people who brought this too my attention including Roy Plotnick and Chris Shields.
Count me in — I wanted a poster of this from the get-go!
Great poster, but the use of “Fun Fact” for a fact about 3 tragedies that killed over 1300 people seems a bit insensitive. Maybe he could have used something like “Interesting Fact”? Sorry, just bothers me.
WIN! Although I do wish they’d also do this one. I’d put both proudly up in my lab!
Must have for class!!
I know what’s behind the door…
the horror…
the horror…
the poster?
FTW!! email sent.
Email sent.
Not too proud to beg!
Thanks, DSN, for sharing the fun.
I told my husband that if he buys this poster, I’m going to draw invertebrates all over the deep sea.
email sent, and an affirmative reply! woo hoo!