Found out about this interesting new project from a reader (thanks Mark!) who left the link at our Facebook page. The Underwater Realm appears to be a set of 5 movies, each highlighting a specific point in history where humans made contact with an underwater civilization. This seems really interesting cause they beyond the OMG MERRMADEZ!!1! and delve into the historical contexts surrounding these encounters and the different civilizations that encountered the Atlanteans. Additionally, they appear to experimenting a lot with photography and CGI, so we could be seeing something very new. You can follow along their video blog where they update each week’s progress in the film production.
From their about page:
“The team here at Realm Pictures have always been about pushing the envelope – and this project is testing that attitude to breaking point.
We are making a series of short films set entirely underwater that will force the world to sit up and take notice. We are attempting something that has never been done before – and we are attempting it with a very small budget. The film will use a variety of techniques from underwater photography to wire-rigs, digital clothing and set extensions. This blog will follow us on our journey as we struggle with the challenge of pre-production. It will be on set with us every day during production, and it will keep you up to date with all the hard work and rewards of post-production.”
UWR Sizzle Reel from Rich Maskey on Vimeo.
Deep Sea News looks forward to final product and hope we get a chance to review it!
You can now support The Underwater Realm project at kickstarter: