The Coast Guard reports that “the Coast Guard and the crew of a good Samaritan vessel assisted the crew of a sailboat 900 miles southeast of Hilo Friday after the ship’s sails frayed and fuel began to run low.” The good Samaritan vessel was the SSV Robert C. Seamans, which “met the sailboat at 8 a.m. Saturday and provided 40 gallons of diesel fuel and successfully repaired the broken sail.”
But what the Coast Guard didn’t report is that the Robert C. Seamans is a student-run sail training vessel – it was the students who calculated the course, actually sailed the ship there, and likely helped to transfer the fuel and repair the sail. I spent a month on the Robert C. Seamans this summer and I was extremely impressed by the students’ skills and teamwork, and the staff’s dedication to allowing them independence. Enacting a high-seas rescue almost a thousand miles offshore AND getting college credit for it – S-231 should be proud! As the Coast Guard said:
“It’s always beneficial to have good Samaritans to help in times of distress, especially in remote locations,” said [Coast Guard Lt.] Seda. “I want to especially thank the captain of the Robert C. Seamans for answering the call to help Kehaulani from becoming a potential disaster.
Via my S-230 shipmates