Dave Munger writes at Seed Magazine about anemones that experience jet lag. Like humans, the brainless anemone experiences a 24 hour biological clock apparently!
Brian Handwerk writes at National Geographic News how manta rays may be particularly susceptible to the Gulf oil spill catastrophe.
Over at the fab Squid a Day blog, Danna writes about how squid may, or may not be, a sustainable fishery.
Razib at Gene Expression has a good article about the origin of sex in animals and new research on how the environment may be playing an important role in shaping the origin and evolution of sex.
Mike the Cephalover has an interview with cephalopod consciousness researcher Dr. Jennifer Mather.
A fantastic article by Lucas at Thoughtnomics about how crabs expose the history of colliding continents! In a very interesting case of biology informing us of geology and history, looking closely at a group of crabs lends support to a double collision of India with Asia.
Pouches, pockets and sacs in the heads, necks and chests of mammals, part III: baleen whales over at Tetrapod Zoology. A very interesting article about the strange adaptations of baleen whales’ airways.
What? Did you think our old contributor Peter was just slacking off since he stopped writing at Deep Sea News? Nope, he’s been busy helping to create an online PLoS One collection highlighting the biodiversity of Saba Banks which it turned out was “instrumental” in Netherlands Antilles’s designation of it as a new MPA! w00t!
Not everyone will lose out because of climate – perhaps. Ove at Climate Shifts reports new research showing the certain seagrasses will actually benefit from increased carbon dioxide in seawater.
Linwood at On The Waterway writes about new findings from Duke researchers about Marine Protected Areas and the Gulf oil spill:
Marine protected areas will not prevent future oil spills, but they could make Gulf of Mexico marine ecosystems more resilient to the impacts of environmental damages from oil, gas, and natural disasters.
BLOG FOR ACTION 2010 POST: The Labrish Jamaica blog discusses how flooding increases as the global water cycle speeds up.
BLOG FOR ACTION 2010 POST: Old Salt tackles the very large and looming threat of ocean acidification.
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