- This one-year projection of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill will ruin your day. Oil is now seeping in New Orleans’ Lake Pontchartrain and tarballs wash ashore in Galveston. NOAA says 60-80% chance of oil spill hitting Keys and South Florida.
- BP takes the old cap off allowing oil to flow freely in attempt to place new better fitting cap on. The federal official leading the Gulf oil spill cleanup stated the new containment cap and an additional ship collecting oil could effectively contain the spill by Monday. BP CEO says oil reservoir is 2.1 billion gallons. If the relief wells fail, it would spill for 2 more years.
- If the “Emergency Relief Well Act” passes it would require concurrent drilling of at least 1 relief well whenever new well is drilled.
- Will the super skimmer save us all? Probably not.
- Let’s not forget about the 27,000 abandoned oil wells that are unmonitored on the Gulf sea floor and may be leaking AND that BP admits failing to use industry risk test at any of its deepwater wells in the US.
- Progress continues with the relief wells, with the first of two potentially finished by the end of July. BP already working on a backup to that calls for transferring the crude to non-producing underwater wells miles away.
- Dr. Susan Shaw, founder and director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute discusses the Corexit and first hand accounts that may be causing heart trouble, organ damage, and rectal bleeding in shrimpers.
- And if bleeding from the rectum wasn’t enough, a Gulf of Mexico oystermen shows the loss of oysterbeds and livelihoods around Louisiana. Video worth the watch.
- A nice write up titled “Living on a dying delta” at SocialistWorkers.org and some more nice reporting on the ground from the National Wildlife Federation.
- “Louisiana’s state health department reported 128 cleanup workers believed to have been sickened by exposure to oil by the end of June, with symptoms like dizziness, nausea and breathing issues.”
- “An unusual low oxygen zone in Gulf of Mexico waters off the Alabama shore has persisted for more than a month, and evidence points to the ongoing Deepwater Horizon oil spill as the cause.“
- Obama loses in court again over deepwater drilling moratorium. “A federal appeals panel in New Orleans on Thursday denied the federal government’s bid to reinstate a six-month moratorium on offshore deepwater oil drilling issued by the Department of Interior”
- A team of oceanographic superstars demand chance to measure how much oil spilling and where it is spreading while Governor Jindal states we “Need Quick Action, Not More Studies.” Meaningfuld action and good science go hand and hand.
- The media are continuing to be prevented from reporting on the oil spill e.g. cameras not allowed in Alabama wildlife refuge , photographer detained briefly by BP and local police, and severe restrictions on reporters trying to take photos of the Gulf Oil disaster. And if the media shutout is not enough, let’s all welcome the BP/Government police state where BP has virtually bought entire police departments.
- As the oil industry fights a tax, it reaps subsidies. Cuba to drill deepwater well within 60 mi of Key West
- Who wants to play a game? 1970’s board game from BP, “Offshore Oil Strike” contains scenarios eerily close to the truth.
- A little something for the bird lovers…For bird rescuers in gulf the toughest part is realizing many can’t be saved. Gulf migration new threat to endangered Piping Plovers.
- Oil spill raises arsenic levels in marine ecosystem
- Sinking oil from Gulf spill threatens historic shipwrecks.
- As Republicans block investigative power for oil spill commission, Obama announces $2 billion investment in clean solar power.
- And the cartoon and photo everyone must see.
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