ResearchBlogCast #8: Protecting the Environment Reduces Poverty?

Each week Razib Khan, Dave Munger and I discuss a paper that was recently blogged on in the This week I chose the following article:

Andam, K., Ferraro, P., Sims, K., Healy, A., & Holland, M. (2010). Protected areas reduced poverty in Costa Rica and Thailand. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107 (22), 9996-10001 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0914177107

This paper will be a landmark in conservation policy and methodology, demonstrating how appropriate comparisons and controls actually matter when correlating socioeconomic data with protected areas. Hear all about it at Researchblogging! Also, read all about it at Ed Yong’s Not Exactly Rocket Science: Protect biodiversity, alleviate poverty: the surprise benefits of protected areas

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