Southern Fried Scientist has finally posted our latest creation. Those follow @sfriedscientist and @kzelnio on twitter may have heard us mention Project S. It is a biomimetic concept canoe of the highly charismatic deep-sea shrimp Rimicaris exoculata. I’ve previously blogged about the fascinating eye of Rimicaris for those interested in learning more.
Andrew and I designed the boat as a birthday present for our boss, a famous deep-sea vent biologist who worked on this shrimp’s biology and ecology earlier in her career. This was a team project between myself, Andrew and Amy at SFS, William and David from our lab. You will have to go to Southern Fried Science to get all the details but here is a sneak peak of the awesomeness and a description of the Rimicanoe’s anatomy and biomimetic characteristics!

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