Below is a summary of tweets from February 6th, 2010

@KungFuEchidna: RT @laelaps: But will the squids rebel and start a squidpocalypse? RT @kzelnio Steve O’Shea wants to grow a giant squid #DSN – 06 Feb 10 23:34

@kzelnio: RT @krisfrench: UK joins growing calls for Atlantic bluefin tuna ban…Spain stays quiet #tuna RT @the_ecologist #DSN – 06 Feb 10 14:55

@laelaps: But will the squids rebel and start a squidpocalypse? RT @kzelnio Steve O’Shea wants to grow a giant squid #DSN – 06 Feb 10 14:05

@kzelnio: Ocean Conservancy’s Go Fish! game, Think you know fish? #DSN – 06 Feb 10 12:44

@kzelnio: My stomach could support a tapeworm couple! from @oatmeal #DSN – 06 Feb 10 02:21