Deep Sea Tweets for February 19th, 2010

Below is a summary of tweets from February 19th, 2010

kzelnio - Profile Pic
@kzelnio: RT @LabSpaces: New study finds link between marine algae and whale diversity over time – #DSN19 Feb 10 21:35
kzelnio - Profile Pic
@kzelnio: Don’t trust em! RT @ninjaclectic: Dolphins have form of diabetes but “evolved the ability to turn condition on/off” #DSN19 Feb 10 21:25
DrCraigMc - Profile Pic
@DrCraigMc: OMG Another Deep Sea Blog! RT @neptunecanada: New blog on our website: Deep-Sea Ecology. #DSN19 Feb 10 21:06
kzelnio - Profile Pic
@kzelnio: Great Idea! RT @cephalopodcast: @jonathancoulton concert at Science Online 2011? You decide! #scio10 #scio11 #DSN19 Feb 10 16:30
kzelnio - Profile Pic
@kzelnio: Still have to remind climate change denailists that “winter still follows summer” #DSN19 Feb 10 15:41
DrCraigMc - Profile Pic
@DrCraigMc: RT @mentalindigest: Trees in swampy areas cn act as chimneys 2 release methane from soil dwelling microbes #DSN19 Feb 10 13:50
DrCraigMc - Profile Pic
@DrCraigMc: Seamount and Deep-Water Corals Potentially In Trouble #DSN19 Feb 10 13:17
eclecticechoes - Profile Pic
@eclecticechoes: RT @kzelnio RT @NatureNews: Ancient filter feeders found lurking in museums #DSN19 Feb 10 04:08