Ocean Explorer Bob Ballard on 60 Minutes

A nice 9 minute interview of Bob Ballard on a recent 60 minutes. (click on link if player below does not work)

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Hat tip to Michael Barton, FCD.

2 Replies to “Ocean Explorer Bob Ballard on 60 Minutes”

  1. For anyone interested in learning more about Dr. Ballard’s most recent expeditions and his vision of the future of ocean exploration, feel free to tune into a series of free, live 30-minute webcasts with Dr. Ballard offered by Immersion Learning this Thursday, December 3, at 1:30, 4:30, and 5:30 pm Eastern. The webcasts will be geared toward kids ages 10-14, who are encouraged to send Dr. Ballard questions before and during the shows, but anyone can watch. You can find the webcasts and more information on the Immersion Learning website at http://www.immersionlearning.org.

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