Within short time, the challenges form Eric H. and Brian from Sandshack were met. A big thanks goes to both of them once again for helping us out in the Donor’s Choose challenge. Another big thanks goes to Matthew H. for a big $135 donation!
HP is providing an additional incentive to you to donate. If we reach $2000 then we stand to receive an $2000 in additional funding from HP but we only have till this Sunday to do this. We only need $751 to do this. Imagine us getting to fund several additional classrooms.
A good start is our Experiencing Seafloor Spreading project that needs a mere $370. Or better yet donate the $770 needed to send the children to the Maritime Museum (Ahoy Mate!) and simultaneously fund a classroom and meet our $2000 goal.
We are down to the wire here and we really need your help!
I hope this helps a little and it is not too late to get the matching funds.
Thanks Deborah! Every bit helps!
I am a teacher myself and I know how hard it is to get supplies and materials that will help our students.