Myself and Chris Mah (from Echinoblog) will particpating in Leg 5 of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s expedition ot the northern Pacific. Leg 5 of the expedition focuses on sampling lava flows that erupted during historic time on the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Mid-Ocean Ridges, and comparing them with the surrounding, older flows. Chris and I will be leading the biological sampling focusing on how the communities on older flows vary from those younger flows. We will be trying to address questions such as: How much time is required for a deep-sea community to form? As lava flows become older do the provide new habitats for organisms? How do the species found at volcanic ridges compare to the surrounding seamounts? Overall a great trip. You can follow Chris and I through daily posts and pinpoint our daily location.

sounds pretty awesome … have fun and good luck
When do you take this adventure? Although I teach younger children, these are the type of questions they ask, just not as formal. I look forward to the answers and more. Good luck!
Wow! yet another ocean expedition (I’m thinking about Miriam G and SeaxPlex)! You marine bloggers’ field research is so romantic.
Can’t wait to share with my readers! have fun and be VERY productive.