Word from Tallahassee is that oceanography may be out at FSU!
Florida State administrators this afternoon released a draft of proposed wide-sweeping cutbacks at the university, based on current reductions in state revenue. If enacted, they would dramatically alter the university as we know it. Twenty-one degree programs at FSU would be eliminated including… oceanography….
What? This is not Billy Boy Foothills College with an oceanography program with 5 students. This is bloody f’in Florida State University Oceanography Program!…I could go through the list [of professors] but let me finish by saying that you would be hard pressed to find a month without a publication from this group in the most prominent journals.
So where does this leave us? Honestly, it is too depressing to consider.
The latest word in an email from an inside source
Florida State has [officially] eliminated Oceanography and Geology as departments. Untenured faculty are to be let go as well as two senior faculty members. There will be a 1 or 2 year phase out for these people. The remaining faculty will be put into an Earth and Atmospheric Science unit.
What? I can’t even begin to express the shortsideness of such a decision to eliminate an oceanography program in light of the programs prominence. It is even more alarming in light of changes occurring in the world’s oceans, the need to understand the roots of our impacts, and the consequences of these for both the oceans and our daily lives (yes it will impact your daily life). Removing such programs greats a gap in training. I am also concerned about the excellent untenured faculty members being cut in a market that is unlikely to provide new oppurtunities for positions in the forseeable future.
But the modern university has often become a money making machine not a center for education. From my inside source, “Economically…oceanographers just don’t create many jobs, get valuable patents, or invent Gatoraide.”
Its unfortunate that Oceanography programs are diminishing. Seems like only 5 years ago I was told that PhD’s in Oceanography could “write their own ticket”. I guess its fair to mention that there are new hires in the FSU Biological Oceanography Department, but this will not compensate for the loss of jobs, of course.
I was hoping all along that the FSU news was some bad dream, or a PR persons idea of a joke. I’m speechless.
“I guess its fair to mention that there are new hires in the FSU Biological Oceanography Department, but this will not compensate for the loss of jobs, of course.”
I don’t think there is a Bio O department at FSU. All the biological oceanographers where with the Oceanography department. My understanding is that the new hires, as untenured faculty, will lose their positions.
but this is new
That really sucks. A lot. It seems like whenever funds get cut science and education are the first to go…
Peter – that looks like just a subdivision of the department of oceanography. I imagine if the department goes, all the various pieces go as well
I agree, Jim. I was initially surprised that a new program could be axed (thought programs planned/budgeted 5-10 years ahead), but have since come to learn this was a decision of the Florida legislature, coming to terms with state shortfalls. Makes me fear for state based operations California.
I just saw this post here at DSN, so sorry I’m months and months late, but felt this needed to be put out there to those unaware:
To answer Peter’s question, all of the new hires in FSU oceanography, save one professor who was able to transfer tenure from his previous institution, have been laid off and will be employed only until the end of this academic year, to the best of my knowledge. 2 tenured professors within the dept. have also been laid off.
I’m a grad student within the department.
Thanks for the update. I would love to know if the laid off professors and hires have secured positions elsewhere.