Scripps Insitute of Oceanography (SIO) post-doc Brad Erisman and colleagues Exequiel Ezcurra and Octavio Aburto-Oropeza used the three person DeepSee submersible to explore nearshore and remote sites seamounts off the coast of Baja California. They report that life is abundant, but the impacts of fisheries are clear, even 1000 feet deep.
Fishing nets, longlines, and trash were commonly spotted. The good news is that more remote locations were more pristine. New species were found, too. See the quote below. San Diego television station KFMB hosts video footage from the expedition, while SIO provides the low-down in a press release here.
Although the evidence of human encroachment was plentiful, the researchers also traveled to remote locations where sea populations thrived, destinations where human impacts are reduced or virtually non-existent.
Hat tip to Arlo Hemphill.