Lets just say for the sake of argument that some day soon we do get our own submarine. Where are we going to go with it? The Tropics or the Poles? Hot vents or cold seeps? So much to do, so little oxygen.
Fortunately, Her Deepness Sylvia Earle and her colleague Linda Glover recently released a new illustrated ocean atlas in full and glorious color to help us make those tough decisions. Its called "Ocean – an Illustrated Atlas."
I haven’t seen the book yet, but if somebody sends us a copy we’ll be sure to review it. Hint, hint, nudge nudge. The New York Times covers the breaking story on the new Ocean Atlas here. – PJE
Just wanted to let you know that I am the publicist working on Sylvia and Linda’s new book. I would love to send you a copy of the book for a review. Please send me your address that I can send it to.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you,
John McFeely
National Geographic Society
Hello, I’m doing a research paper on Sylvia Earleand I was wondering if you guys could give me the citation for the picture? Thanks.