SCAMIT (Southern California of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists) has released the best calender of the year – a marine invertebrate calendar! Long time DSN reader Leslie Harris works at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and put together this calendar to help support, “a non-profit dedicated to educating & supporting local taxonomists.” Not only do they support working and professionally trained taxonomists, but its members consist of amateur enthusiasts, divers and other interested individuals. She was kind enough to send along an image to share with our readers. I just made a purchase at their cafepress store, it will look awesome in my office next to . . .

The following marine invertebrate clock with artwork by Emily Damstra! It is sitting on the bookshelf above my desk nestled with my zoology books and a box of anemone and zoanthid specimens. The artwork is stunning and she does wonderful natural history illustrations. The clock even includes Entoprocts! Check out her other Marine Fish and Invertebrate artwork.

I ordered mine! It’s perfect for the kitchen office.
And I’m going to have to get that clock!
Can someone please tell me is it possible to make $$ with Cafe Press?
I’ve been looking into it as well Peter, and other alternatives. It doesn’t seem you like you can easily make much money off of cafepress. You have to sell quite a bit or items to see a return. We could certainly make enough to pay the web bills though.
The key words are “much money”. You’d really have to work at advertising and use a high mark-up on the items to make a lot. There’s so much competition it’s hard to sell enough for a real profit. I’ve also noticed that about 50% of the people who say they’re going to buy an item don’t. At least with Cafe Press you don’t have to invest any capital, just the time to create designs & upload them.
Thanks for the insight. My calendar arrived yesterday. I love it!
Mine arrived a couple days ago too! Will be hanging up in the office soon.