Pictures and Movies TGIF: Sea Shanty Dr. M October 3, 2008 Port Isaac Cornish fishermen singing a shanty. Nice way to end the week. Share the post "TGIF: Sea Shanty" FacebookXShare…Shares Related PostsI’m the modern day equivalent of a massive Carboniferous dragonflyMicrobial Metagenomic Studies of Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Communities by Kurt WilliamsonGuest post: The March…OF SCIENCENew Paper TeaserFrom the Editor’s Desk: The Grand Challenge of Ocean Acidification and Fisheries
Over at our place a commenter called Howard tells us these guys are called The Fishermen’s Friends and you can buy their CD Home from the Sea online here.
Awesome! I saw it on Monday, but it still cheered me up!
Over at our place a commenter called Howard tells us these guys are called The Fishermen’s Friends and you can buy their CD Home from the Sea online here.