Uncategorized Catching Your Own Dinner Kevin Zelnio May 28, 2008 From PhotoBasement, hat tip to Mr. Barton, FCD. Share the post "Catching Your Own Dinner" FacebookXShare…Shares Related PostsArctic Ocean Now Open For Business!Friday Deep-Sea Picture (August 10, 2007)ZOMG GIANT WURMZ N SEESTARZ FEEEDING FRENZY!1!1!!!1Dispatches from Antarctica – LARISSA BeginsShe inspires me and takes my shoe advice
kev… you need to catch-up on your Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets reading… check-out this pic from last summer in Maine…
you need to catch-up on your Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets reading… check-out this pic from last summer in Maine…
What? You think I have a memory that spans a year? I can barely remember what I did this morning!
maybe it’s all the beer with prof steve steve?
the movie!