This week’s challenge is help instill sense of awe in children about the ocean . Teaching our children about the ocean, creating passion and connections for it’s life, is one of the most important things we can do. Educating them about the mistakes we’ve made may prevent them from doing the same.

For this challenge I have picked two projects with Donor’s Choose. The total amount needed is just over $400. That’s about $10 a piece for everyone who has signed up. The first proposal is to provide funds for materials so students in a Kansas school can prepare for an Ocean Science Bowl Competition. The second proposal is to purchase books on the oceans for an elementary ESL class in Tennessee. I am very excited about us easily funding both of these!
Ongoing challenges can be seen here
People accepting the Just One Thing Challenge: 1. Craig McClain 2. Kevin Zelnio 3. Peter Etnoyer 4. Sheril K. 5. Mike G 6. Farne 7. Jim Lemire 8. Kiki 9. Fish Guy Dave 10. CK 11. Karen James 12. Merisea 13. Keely 14. tonyj 15. Traci 16. Mrs. Hillary Victoria Minor 17. Peter Mc 18. Tony D 19. Mary Aloyse Firestone 20. Miriam Goldstein 21.John 22. Judith in Ottawa 23. tjewell 24. Slim 25. Ashley 26. Silver 27. Steve W. 28. John Hill 29. Rachel 30. tjewell 31. Eric 32. jebyrnes 33. Lynna Landstreet 34. Ole 35. Carrie 36. Max 37. Marsh. 38. Summer 39. You?
Great timing! I’m taking our 9 y.o. son down to FL this weekend for a week of manatees & fun in the Gulf.
Just finished helping out with our regional Ocean Science Bowl. I have to say it was a blast and I was amazed at the kids knowledge, manners and good sportmanship. I’ll gladly pitch in to support that. Anyone who has a chance to help one of these events it is very refreshing and rewarding.