This Sunday comes the second challenge! Do you remember what the first one was?
1a. Sign up at this post
1b. Keep reading DSN and participating in the Just One Thing Challenge
A quick additional request…please help spread the word on your blogs and websites (feel free to use the logo above)! So far we have 13 people signed up. Let’s get 25 by Sunday.
1. Craig McClain
2. Kevin Zelnio
3. Peter Etnoyer
4. Sheril K.
5. Mike G
6. Farne
7. Jim Lemire
8. Kiki
9. Fish Guy Dave
10. CK
11. Karen James
12. Merisea
13. Keely
I told a friend about the 6:1 plastic to plankton ratio and then I realized that fish that eat plankton is a Good Thing because all you have to do is catch the fish and get rid of the plastic in their bellies in those plasma reactors. A solid plan!