According to the book Beaufort doesn’t deserve all that much of the credit he gets for the scale that bears his name. His greatest contribution to science may in fact have occurred when he, as head of the Hydrographic Office for the Admiralty, gave approval to a companion for Captain FitzRoy, who was embarking on a survey trip to South America. The companion was a young amateur naturalist named Charles Darwin.
Good related book: Defining the Wind : The Beaufort Scale, and How a 19th-Century Admiral Turned Science into Poetry.
According to the book Beaufort doesn’t deserve all that much of the credit he gets for the scale that bears his name. His greatest contribution to science may in fact have occurred when he, as head of the Hydrographic Office for the Admiralty, gave approval to a companion for Captain FitzRoy, who was embarking on a survey trip to South America. The companion was a young amateur naturalist named Charles Darwin.