For $35, gift recipients will receive a cookie cutter shaped like their adopted creature.
For $75, gift recipients will receive a cookie cutter shaped like their adopted creature, and three additional cookie cutters within its matching theme (1. Protect Coral Reefs – Clam, Crab, Octopus and Seahorse; 2. Fight Global Warming – Penguin, Polar Bear, Seal and Snowflake; 3. Protect Sea Creatures – Dolphin, Shark, Turtle and Whale; 4. Eliminate Unsustainable Fishing – Oceana Ranger, Salmon, Seagull and Starfish)
For $100, gift recipients will receive a cookie cutter shaped like their adopted creature, three additional cookie cutters within its matching theme and an exclusive Oceana baking mitt.
For $250 or more, gift recipients will receive the complete set of 16 cookie cutters and an exclusive Oceana baking mitt.
You can damn well believe my money was out 5 minutes ago for that octopus cookie cutter!
*Not a creature per se but you can still adopt it.
Craig! You’re my hero! Octopus shirts AND cookie cutters? Awesome!! I can’t use enough exclamation marks!!
Also, did you happen to get my e-mail in regards to the octopus shirt exchange??
Why not just contribute to the respectable organizations? Why buy more stuff you don’t really need?
Who doesn’t need an octopus cookie cutter?
kiki, clearly you do not understand the full ramifications of the octopus cookie. You see, let me explain. You can make cookies with it, it is shaped like an octopus. All you have to do is press it done on some yummy cookie dough (can we say octodoodle) and voila! You have an octopus shaped cookie. Add some colored icing, you can have several different species of octopus cookies! This is the most brilliant idea evah! A strategically placed piece of dark chocolate could be… an ink cloud!!! OMG I’m so F’in brilliant!!!!
I hope this clears it up.
I dunno – I’m kind of holding out for the anglerfish, dragonfish, gulper eel and fangtooth cookie cutters….(we call them biscuits in NZ).
as a nonprofit employee of a member supported conservation organization, i’d like to think that the majority of our members contribute to our conservation efforts because they believe in our mission and trust our results… while that’s what i’d like to think, the reality is that membership premiums are a big part of WHY and HOW MUCH people give… it’s the nature of philanthropy…
forget for the moment that sending premiums around the world to members is an added expense, and resource intensive…
we at CORAL give members the option of opting out of premiums, but you wouldn’t believe how few actually do… and if we are late with a premium like our annual calendar, hoo boy do we get flaming emails!
anyway, i’m a fan of the cookie cutter (actually more a fan of the cookie!)… just as i’m a big fan of my new complimentary hat as a member of the human rights campaign…
and if i might hazard a gratuitous plug, for supporting our important conservation work (dollar for dollar we get A LOT of conservation work done compared to the Big NGOs) CORAL would be happy to send you a calendar, quarterly newsletters, the occasional book, and holiday greetings…
or if you want, we’ll thank you once and not bother you again till next year…
LOL, I joined WWF one year to get the plush panda for my son.
So when you make the crab cookies, you’re going to decorate the underside too, so people can tell if they’re male or female…right?