Friday Deep-Sea Picture (07/13/07)


Not really deep sea so excuse the digression. From TNC/WWF

As demands on oceans grow, it is important to ensure that their resources are being conserved and carefully managed worldwide. A new study led by The Nature Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund (published in BioScience) — Marine Ecoregions of the World — takes an important step toward that goal by presenting the first-ever classification system of the world’s coastal waters. This new set of classifications will help conservation scientists recognize gaps in protection and set priorities for action, such as establishing marine protected areas. More than 12 percent of terrestrial areas are protected compared to less than one percent of marine habitats.

3 Replies to “Friday Deep-Sea Picture (07/13/07)”

  1. I am impressed by some of the ecoregion designations, like the Magdalena Transition Zone, for example. That’s a subtle distinction for a global scale of analysis.

  2. FYI i cannot see the picture of whatever it is and i do not like this picture becouse it is to small and cannot see it

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