Fox News discusses the years best in science. I was excited because two of these are deep-sea related, the Yeti Crab and the recent capture of the Architeuthis. DSN was there when these stories cracked bringing you “a fair and balanced coverage”. Most of these findings are old news and were diligently covered by blogosphere. Below the fold I list all these finding and link to a blogger who covered them. Stay tuned for the BEST OF DSN 2006 from Peter.
- Invasive Species
- Strange dog-like creature in Maine
- Yeti crab
- Giant hungry snails overran the Caribbean island of Barbados
- A grizzly-polar bear hybrid was shot in the Arctic
- A sad one-eyed kitten that died soon after birth turned out to be real
- Strange dolphins and strange Deer
- Hooking A Giant Squid
- Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin
- Grigory Perelman
- Global warming, loss of sea ice, polar bear starvation, and shrinkage
- Earth is hottest its ever been
- “Gospel of Judas”
- Three space-shuttle missions and the first female space tourist
- Neanderthals genome(and here) and comparison of the human and chimpanzee genomes
- Nobel Prizes
- Woman smell best just before ovulation and women respond to erotic images
- Mount Merapi, Augustine volcano, and Mount St. Helens
- Pluto
If you blogged on any of these topics add a link in the comments section.