Flip Ship Photoshop Battle

FLIP is towed to its operating area in the horizontal position and through ballast changes is “flipped” to the vertical position to become a stable spar buoy with a draft of 300 feet. Photo from MPL.

FLIP, the Floating Instrument Platform, is towed to an area in a horizontal position and through changing the ballast flipped into a vertical position.  In the flip postion, most of its 355 foot length resides underwater providing a stable observational even in the roughest seas.  The Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL) at Scripps operates FLIP but it is owned by the US Navy. FLIP set to sea in 1962.


At Reddit, o’ god how I love Reddit, the photo above was posted which then started what can only happen on the internet…free time and mad, mad Photoshop skillz. Below are my favorites so far.

INVASION!! by 92jacko
INVASION!! by 92jacko
Star Trekking across the universe by malmazuke
Star Trekking across the universe by malmazuke
WHOA MOMMA! by Daanado
WHOA MOMMA! by Daanado.  Which thankfully got turned into this by disenchanted_youth
Flip Phone by gnostic_cat
Flip Phone by gnostic_cat
2001 by DaminDrexil
2001 by DaminDrexil
Directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong by thatoneguydunno
Directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong by thatoneguydunno
DaaaaaNa...DaaaaaNa...DaaaNaDaNaDaNaDaNa by Rhym
DaaaaaNa…DaaaaaNa…DaaaNaDaNaDaNaDaNa by Rhym
Hoth Research Turret by ChuurmanMeow
Hoth Research Turret by ChuurmanMeow 

2 Replies to “Flip Ship Photoshop Battle”

  1. LOL! I was a whale observer on the Flip ship for two cruises. One of the official “boat shirts” for FLIP is actually a photoshop job of a kracken attacking the FLIP. It’s an interesting vessel. The coast guard gets a lot of sinking ship calls when it’s out there.

  2. doesn’t look like one of our voyages … the skiff is vertical. i don’t remember seeing images like that. could have been from Navajo, i guess.

    love thinking about those flips! thanks y’all.

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