Two ocean opportunities for students/educators

These came to my inbox from the CSO Weekly Report. (It’s a handy listserv if you’re interested in ocean policy, fyi.)

EE Week Opportunities for Students and Educators
National Environmental Education Week (EE Week) is an annual celebration of teaching and learning about the environment. EE Week provides educators with resources to promote K-12 students’ understanding of the environment. This year (April 10-16, 2011), EE Week will focus on the theme “Ocean Connections.” Participating educators will have access to hundreds of ocean-related lesson plans and resources to help students explore their connections to and dependence upon the ocean. In addition, EE Week will provide special resources, lesson plans and opportunities for educator professional development and student learning about the Gulf oil spill. Learn more by visiting Registration is also available online at:

Planet Connect Announces 2011 Student Video Contest
Planet Connect, a portal for high school students to learn more about the environment, announces the 2011 Get Green video contest.  In partnership with the Leaders of Environmental Action Films, the Get Green Video Contest is asking U.S. high school students to “Show Your Ocean Connection.”  Participating students will create a video and show us how their everyday actions impact the ocean, whether they live on the coast or a thousand miles from the sea. Winners will receive cash and other prizes from Samsung, including the new Galaxy Tab and an HD Camcorder. Contest entries will be accepted through February 23, 2011. Visit for additional contest details.