Ocean Bloggers Ocean in the Classroom Challenge!

DSN is teaming up with Southern Fried Science, Blogfish, Oyster’s Garter, Echinoblog, Cephalopodcast, Drop In, The New Blue, The Right Blue, Natural Patriot, and of course Malaria, Bedbugs, Sealice, and Sunsets to sponsor ocean science in K-12 classrooms.  We are doing this through a Donor’s Choose, a charity that allow individuals to directly fund creative projects proposed by the teachers themselves.  Overall we have a great lineup of ocean themed projects (click on the banner above to find out more).  In the next week we will be featuring all these projects in posts. We are calling upon all our readers to donate.  Donate $10-20 and in we will quickly meet our challenge goal.

Keep in mind that we will be holding DSN hostage until we meet our goal so expect continued harassment encouragement to donate!

If you have a blog and are interested joining your fellow salty blogger in promoting these projects then drop us a line.

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